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Incentive Programs

Incentive Programs

The Town of Vermilion for new development offers four unique incentives that were developed, in partnership with local business, to help accelerate the growth and development of small businesses and assist commercial property owners improve their property.

Incentive funding will be allocated on a case-by-case basis subject to the approval of the Incentive Review Committees, until the budget has been spent or the program year has ended. Submitting an application does not guarantee a funding or a specific funding amount. All project proposals are subject to a comprehensive review of application and required information, must reflect the spirit and intent of each grant.

Each incentive has its own unique requirements, however generally the incentives are available to business owners with a Resident Business Licence and/or owners of property located in Vermilion depending on the program criteria.

Prepared By:  Derek Young

Effective Date:  February 20, 2018

Policy Name: Community Improvement and Infill Program

Policy Number:  18/02/18

Council Approval Date:  February 20, 2018

Council Resolution No.: 18/02/18

Policy Statement:

The purpose of this policy is to encourage the development of new residential dwellings within existing residential districts in the Town of Vermilion. The intent of this program is to provide an incentive for the demolition of one old residential dwelling and the construction of one new residential dwelling.

  1. Length of Program - The appropriate demolition/development permit must be approved on or before December 31.
  2. The tax cancellation is on the municipal portion of property taxes only and does not include local improvements or education taxes. The tax cancellation applies to improvement taxes only calculated on the difference of the improvement assessed prior to and after completion of the development.
  3. All developments must conform to the Land Use Bylaw and other applicable regulations.
  4. The period of tax cancellation will be for the year following the year that construction is completed. Subject to Council having to approve the tax cancellation on each affected property on a yearly basis, the period of tax cancellation shall be one (1) year in the case of a qualifying demolition or removal and new construction. Construction of a new dwelling must commence within 24 months after the demolition. If the property is sold as a vacant lot to another party they are no longer eligible for the incentive.
  5. Accessory buildings are eligible if construction occurs within the same time period as the qualifying new construction.
  6. Additions, expansions or renovations are not eligible for this program.
  7. Accessory buildings as a stand alone project are not eligible for this program.
  8. For the year the tax cancellation is being considered by Council the total current taxes levied less the proposed municipal tax cancellation shall be paid by July 15 of that year or the tax cancellation being considered will not be provided regardless of whenever after they are paid.
  9. For the purposes of this program, a qualifying demolition is considered to occur only in those cases where an existing residential dwelling is demolished or removed for the purpose of constructing a new residential dwelling on the site.
  10. All eligible development must be of a permanent nature.
  11. Failure by the applicant to comply with any of the regulations herein may result in disqualification of the applicant from the program.
  12. Subject to annual review by Council.


Eligible Residential Properties

 1. All residential demolitions or removal for the purpose of new residential construction except for:

a)  RMH1, RMH2 or DC1 district lots (Residential Manufactured Home)

b)  any accessory building or addition, expansion or renovation.

 2. In order to qualify for the program, the new improvement must be assessed in excess of:

  • for a single family dwelling                                 80,000,
  • for a duplex                                                       $60,000/unit
  • for a triplex or quadruplex                                  $40,000/unit
  • for a multi-family (greater than 4 units)               $30,000/unit

Community Improvement and Infill Program Brochure

Eligibility for Financial Support

To be eligible, each proposed program or project must be managed by, or under the auspices of a community group or agency that is incorporated (or in the process of becoming incorporated) as a non-profit society in Alberta; or operating under the administrative jurisdiction of a school division or municipality.

FCSS Grant Funding Application

The purpose of this program is to provide financial assistance to business owners who invest in quality building interior improvements to existing and new industrial buildings that enhance the aesthetics and functionality of vacant ground buildings.

*This program is NOT eligible for landlords for building improvements.

Industrial Development Incentive Application Form

Industrial Development Brochure

Prepared By: Allan Wilson

Effective Date: April 18, 2017

Policy Name: Multi-Family Development Incentive Policy

Policy Number: 17/04/71

Council Approval Date:

Council Resolution No.: #17/04/71


Policy Statement:

The purpose of this policy is to encourage the development of new multi-family residential dwellings within the Town of Vermilion. The intent of this program is to provide an incentive for the construction of new multi-family dwellings with 4 or more units. 

1.    Length of Program - The appropriate Development Permit must be approved on or before December 31.

2.    The tax cancellation is on the municipal portion of property taxes only and does not include local improvements or        education taxes.  The tax cancellation applies to improvement taxes only (not land) calculated on the difference of the  improvement assessed prior to and after completion of the development.

3.    All developments must conform to the Land Use Bylaw and other applicable regulations and applies to development within the R5 and R6 Residential Districts only.

4.    The period of tax cancellation will be for the year following the year that construction is completed.  Subject to Council having to approve the tax cancellation on each affected property on a yearly basis, the period of tax cancellation shall be one (1) year in the case of a qualifying development.

5.    Accessory buildings are eligible if construction occurs within the same time period as the qualifying new construction.

6.    Additions, expansions or renovations are not eligible for this program.

7.    Accessory buildings as a stand-alone project are not eligible for this program.

8.    For the year the tax cancellation is being considered by Council the total current taxes levied less the proposed municipal tax cancellation shall be paid by July 15 of that year or the tax cancellation being considered will not be provided regardless of whenever after they are paid.

9.    All eligible development must be of a permanent nature.

10.   Failure by the applicant to comply with any of the regulations herein may result in disqualification of the applicant from the program.

11.   Developer/owner is responsible to ensure all applicable permits are obtained in accordance with all Provincial and Federal Legislation.  Failure to do so may result in disqualification from the program.

12.   This policy is subject to annual review by Council.


Eligible Residential Properties 

1.    Multi-family residential developments with 4 or more units.

2.    R5 or R6 Residential District lots only.

Multi-Family Development Brochure 

Grant applications for community events or projects will be accepted throughout the year.

Parks, Recreation and Culture Boards Grant Application

The purpose of this program is to provide financial incentives to business owners who invest in quality building interior improvements to retail and commercial buildings that enhance the aesthetics and functionality of vacant ground floor Storefront(s).

*This program is NOT eligible for landlords for building improvements.

Retail Development Incentive Application Form

Retail Development Brochure

Vermilion District Health Care Providers Attraction & Retention Bursary provides financial assistance and/or practical experience to medical students to support their entry into practicing medicine in our community.

This is available to medical doctor students from the Vermilion area who are also enrolled full-time in undergraduate medical education in an Alberta medical school at the time the bursary application is made.

Bursary Information Sheet

Bursary Application

Local Programs for Business Owners

The Town of Vermilion has two new programs that were developed, in accordance with their brand, and to encourage visitor traffic to key retail developments. Increased visitor traffic and retail sales increase the growth and viability of our community.

The Blade Sign Program implemented by the Town of Vermilion is to:

1. Enhance the exterior condition of businesses in the Retail Sector of the Town of Vermilion.

2. Provide increased visibility to businesses in our commercially zoned areas.

3. Add to the historic character of buildings within the town

4. Improve private assets of the Town by revitalizing distinctiveness and integrity of downtown structures.

Read the attached Application Form for more information.

 Blade Sign Program Application Form

The purpose of this program is to promote temporary outdoor patios and retail spaces so businesses can create more space for customers. Follow the attached links for more information. Information on permitting for this program can be obtained through the Infrastructure & Planning department at 780-581-2415.

Patio Program Brochure

Patio Program Application

Initial Announcement

Provincial & Federal Stimulus Programs

The provincial and federal governments have implemented several stimulus programs to support the growth of business in Vermilion. 

Programs to help: companies become export ready and access international markets; grants that ease the cost for research and product development; grants that support sustainable growth in the agricultural and agri-food sector; fund strategic innovations in all sectors in Canada; and so much more.

Alberta Export Expansion Program

Alberta Film and Television Tax Credit

Alberta Innovation Employment Grant

Alberta Petrochemicals Incentive Program

Canadian Agriculture Partnership in Alberta

Canadian Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Incentive 

Canadian Small Business Funding 

Canadian Strategic Innovation Fund 

Innovation Canada Programs and Services

ERA - Reshaping Energy Systems

Agri-processing Investment Tax Credit Program

The Sustainable Canadian Agriculture Partnership (Sustainable CAP)

Canada-Alberta Job Grant  

Film and Television Tax Credit

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